Hello real world! I'm home - and somewhat missing Africa! It always does take a little while to adjust to the return to the real world. At least this time I was expecting it.
The hustle and bustle of the shopping centre, the traffic that stops at red lights, and then starts moving magically when the light goes green. The sun comes up and goes down again - but mostly it goes unnoticed. I can turn the "sun" on and off with the flick of a switch inside! Society holds many expectations - most of which I'm simply just not ready for!!!
I notice lots of old burnt out faces at work. I notice lots of new fresh faces. Lots of work mates have moved on. A bit has changed - there's a construction site right outside the front door. The people that were the "newbies" before I left are now oldies. Workplace politics are unchanged. This is the thing that frustrates me the most.
Outside of work, many friends are out of town, but there's a few still around, some have gone and come back just like me. Some will be gone for a good bit longer yet. Thank goodness for Skype and mobile phones!
The things I miss about Africa are much the same as last time I left. I miss the TDA family of friends, I miss seeing the sun rise and set every day, I miss the open air, the wide open spaces. I miss being a dirtbag. I even miss my tent a little. Combining the cost to replace the zipper and the pole added to excess baggage fees... it simply wasn't going to be worth it. So time for a new tent I guess!!!