Friday, January 14, 2011


I have been flat out over the past few days doing pre trip preparation, stocking up on medical supplies etc etc. I think we've been to at least 5 big chemists in Cairo, checked out the local ambulance service, dug deep for malaria tablets in this city.

Nothing is straight forward. You ask for one thing, something else is produced which is supposed to do the same thing but I don't know the drug so I'm reluctant to use stuff I don't know! The electric blood pressure machine we have is innacurate so we have to find a new one.

Decent painkillers are just about impossible to get our hands on.

Chasing people to get their details is frustatingly more complicated than it should be.

At the moment I'm trying to print out a few copies of everyones medical info but even that is impossible at the moment.

Despite all this, I'm having an awesome time, we've had the chance to visit some real local places, meet some genuinely awesome locals, eat good local food.

Looking forward to getting started with the ride tomorrow

Sending my deepest sympathies to everyone back home - good luck with the big clean up and I'm sorry I'm not there to help out. xx

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